History of Palestine and Israel in 60 sec #history #facts #shorts
Explore the historical narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a simplified and engaging way. Discover how different communities coexisted in Palestine during Ottoman rule, the emergence of Zionism, and the impact of World War II on Jewish refugees seeking refuge in Palestine. Learn about the pivotal year of 1948, when Israel was established with the support of the United Nations, leading to a conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. This narrative underscores the complex history of the region, the struggles faced by both communities, and the importance of international alliances in shaping the modern Middle East. #Palestine #Zionism #WorldWarII #IsraeliPalestinianConflict #History #MiddleEast #Refugees #OttomanEmpire #UnitedNations #Coexistence #1948War#israel #current affairs#facts His-story_Teller#israel news#alaqsa mosque#jerusalem