The Perfect Woman For Sigma Males (What Sigmas Look For In Girls)

The Perfect Woman For Sigma Males (What Sigmas Look For In Girls)

The Perfect Woman For Sigma Males (What Sigma Males Look For In Girls). Sigma males, by their very nature, are known to possess remarkably high standards when it comes to finding their perfect partner. As a breed of highly self-reliant and independent men, they are accustomed to long spells of solitude, and this trait often extends to their romantic pursuits. Unphased by the societal pressure to be in a relationship, sigma males are patient, always willing to wait for the right woman rather than rushing into a relationship with someone who doesn't fully resonate with them. They understand the value of their independence, and won't compromise it for mere fleeting attention. Their elusive nature is not born out of arrogance, but rather a discerning sense of judgment in selecting a partner. To sigmas, a romantic relationship is not simply about only physical attraction, but involves a deep and meaningful connection along with a set of shared values. They aspire for a relationship that is mutually respectful, intellectually stimulating, and emotionally enriching, and hence, they're very careful about who they decide to share their world with. So, what does the perfect woman for a sigma male look like? Well, in this video I’ll be discussing 7 of the most important traits that sigma males look for in women. Subscribe to the channel! I appreciate it!:    / @achievegreatnessmedia   Recommended Video: How Sigma Males Handle Betrayal -    • How Sigma Males Handle Betrayal   If you're curious about the sigma male's perfect woman, then you might want to watch this video to find out the traits that make up a sigma's perfect girl. Maybe you can learn something about how sigma males operate that you didn't know before. Either way, I hope you enjoy the video, let me know in the comments if you agree with the points I made. Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:17 Absolute loyalty. 02:29 She never shames him… especially in public. 03:39 She is not materialistic or superficial. 04:48 She supports and encourages his goals. 05:57 She isn’t plagued with constant drama. 06:59 She isn’t obsessed with how she looks on social media. 08:03 She isn’t selfish with her needs. 09:02 Conclusion (Like & Subscribe!)