A Plague Tale: Requiem - Chapter 13: Nothing Left - Collectibles Guide
Welcome to my collectibles guide for A Plague Tale: Requiem. Timestamps: 00:00 Tool #22 00:24 Souvenir #21: A Mess 02:26 Tool #23 02:57 Knife #14 04:04 Knife #15 04:50 Tool #24 06:43 Knife #16 07:14 Hugo’s Herbarium #11 (Feather 7/7): Greylag Goose 08:25 Secret Chest #10 If you would like to see all the trophy / achievement guides, please go and visit the playlist here: • Plague Tales: Requiem - Collectibles Enjoy! #APlagueTale #AsoboStudio #FocusHomeInteractive #AmiciaDeRune