2 Ingredient Keto Flat Bread || High Protein || Low Carb
• The Best Keto Bread Recipe - Low Carb... • Easy Low Carb Almond Flour Pancakes -... • White Chocolate Chip & Blueberry Keto... https://buymeacoffee.com/timeforketo I'll be honest, I was very sceptical trying out this recipe. Don't get me wrong, I love cottage cheese as it is. I wasn't sure if I would like it pureed and baked! Go check out the video to see what I think. Ingredients 1 Cup Cottage Cheese (high protein, low fat) 2 Eggs (70g, room temperature) Seasoning of your choice Blender Preheat oven to 350F/175C Line and spray baking pan (15in x 10in) Blend cottage cheese, eggs and seasoning of your choice until smooth and runny. pour into baking pan and even the mixture so fully covers the pan. Bake for 30-35 minutes (depending on your oven). When edges are darkened and the flat bread is nicely browned, remove from the oven and allow to cool. Add your favorite keto toppings. Enjoy! Makes 3 flatbreads. Each serve has: 68 calories 10g Protein 3.5g Carbs #flatbread #keto #protein #ketodiet #lowcarb #lowcarbdiet #easyrecipe #twoingredients #guiltfree #diet #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossrecipe #weightlossdiet #ketocooking #ketobaking #highprotein #ketorecipes #ketolifestyle #healthyrecipes #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #healthyfood