TEACHING Someone Zombies For The VERY FIRST TIME in 2023...
My friend JP has NEVER played cod zombies and I came up with the great idea to try and teach him and have him learn the most ICONIC MAPS EVER to catch Him up to speed with COD zombies today.... would we be able to even get to round 10? would he be able to get through a ENTIRE EASTER EGG?? or would he just make references to other games the entire time...? FIND OUT! (CHAPTERS) 0:00 - INTRO 0:42 - TRANZIT 7:53 - DIE RISE 17:27 - MOB (EASTER EGG) 40:06 - OUTRO NEW BANGIN COD ZOMBIES VIDEOS ON HERE EVERY MONDAY!!! (EDITED BY @ stevengarza_ https://linktr.ee/stevengarza_) CHECK OUT THESE OTHER PLATFORMS IM ON!!! ZOMBIES TWITCH STREAMS EVERY NIGHT SUN-THURS 12AM EST / justcallmekyyy / justcallmekyyy TIKTOK / justcallmekyyy TWITTER (now X) / justcallmekyyy_ IG / justcallmekyyyy DISCORD / discord INFO: Copyright Disclaimer: Under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Everything I do here is just for fun. I'm just here to be a light that reflects the true light that gave Himself for me and everyone. (MTT 5:16) (TAGS AND STUFF) CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS 2 CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS 3 CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS 4 CALL OF DUTY COLD WAR CALL OF DUTY WARZONE CALL OF DUTY BO2 BO3 BO2 COD ZOMBIES ROUND 100 NACHT DER UNTOTEN ZOMBIES ROUND 100 FNAF CUSTOM ZOMBIES ROUND 100 EASTER EGG BLACK OPS 3 CHALLENGE BO3 CUSTOM CHALLENGE ZOMBIES CHALLENGE PISTOLS ONLY PISTOLS ONLY EASTER EGG PISTOLS ONLY COD ZOMBIES COD ZOMBIES PISTOLS ONLY SOLO EASTER EGG SOLO EASTER EGGS SOLO EE COD ZOMBIES COD ZOMBIES SOLO EE PISTOLS ONLY PISTOLS ONLY SHADOWS OF EVIL SHADOWS OF EVIL IN 2023 SHADOWS OF EVIL SOLO EASTER EGG SOE SOLO EASTER EGG HALLOWEEN COD ZOMBIES HALLOWEEN CUSTOM MAP SOE BO3 SOE SOLO EASTER EGG PERK RANDOMIZER MOD BO3 CALL OF DUTY ZOMBIES PERKS #round100 Call of Duty Black Ops 2 (II) - Full Game Walkthrough (No Commentary Longplay) Black Ops 2 Best Moments - Funny Moments, Killcams, Remix, Epic Kills, Fun w/ Friends (Thank you) Why Was Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 SO AWESOME?! Official Reveal Trailer | Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 There Will Never Be Another Game Like Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Black Ops 2 Zombies in 2022… Round 100 TranZit in 2022 is Impossible.. Coaching Zombies Easter Eggs BO2 Origins Easter Egg Modern Warfare 2 Carnival Zombies Map ★ Call of Duty Custom Zombies Map CHEESECUBE UNLIMITED REMASTERED - CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS 3 CUSTOM ZOMBIES! PORTAL 2 ZOMBIES PORTAL ZOMBIES COD CUSTOM ZOMBIES FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS BO3 CUSTOM MAPS COD CUSTOM ZOMBIES BO3 JUSTCALLMEKY JUSTCALLMEKYYY KYY JCMEKY Black Ops 2, 10 Years Later... This is BLACK OPS 2 in 2023.. JEV PLAYS BLACK OPS 2 in 2023 Black Ops 2 in 2021.. BLACK OPS 3 We Play Every Call of Duty Zombies Map - Chapter 11 Round 100 On Every BO4 Zombies Map In 2023 NEW ZOMBIES CHRONICLES 2 CUT MAPS DETAILS REVEALED... VURRUKT OFFICIAL MW3 ZOMBIES GAMEPLAY & FULL GAME BREAKDOWN! (Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies) Zombies Reveal Trailer | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III WHEEL CHALLENGE COD COD WHEEL CHALLENGE What Happened to Call of Duty Zombies? OFFICIAL MW3 ZOMBIES GAMEPLAY DETAILS REVEALED! (Call of Duty Zombies) Warzone, but a RANDOM WHEEL decides how we play... Warzone, but a random wheel chose our classes... Whatever gun the wheel lands on, I have to use BO3 VERRUKT NEW MW3 ZOMBIES GAMEPLAY: FINAL BOSS FIGHT & ALL WONDER WEAPONS! og bo2 zombies Trying The 1 Box Challenge On Every Zombies Game This is BLACK OPS 2 in 2022.. (10 Years Later) CLASSIC BO2 TOWN ROUND 50 CHALLENGE IN 2019! Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies TOWN Gameplay + BONUS Ultimate Guide to Town (Black Ops 2 Zombies) TOWN... BUT IT'S ACTUALLY GOOD? Why I HATE Shi No Numa Reborn... The Complete Unabridged Timeline of Call of Duty Zombies (World At War - Black Ops 4) THE BEST NINTENDO MAP in COD ZOMBIES! THE LAST EXTINCTION MAP IS INSANE... (COD Zombies) Farm World Record Round 83 Town Round 82 Black Ops 2 Zombies World Record "TOWN" ROUND 50 ✔️ 100% BEST SOLO HIGH ROUND STRATEGY! (Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies) MADAGASCAR in COD ZOMBIES!!! Can I Beat the Tranzit Easter Egg Solo (no mods) Black Ops 2 Ray Gun Mark 2 EVERY TIME GLITCH! classic bo2 zombies #blackops3 #customzombies #blackops2 #blackops #callofdutyzombiesmemes #codzombiesworldrecord #cod #blackopscoldwar #blackops3gameplay #blackops2multiplayer #blackopscoldwarzombies #nachtderuntoten #justcallmeky #nostalgicgames #zombiescodmobile #shadowsofevil #codzombiesmeme #codzombieperks #mw3 #mw3gameplay #MW3ZOMBIES