Charge under GST | Inter / Final | Detailed Revision | CA Amit Mahajan
Champs - here we start with our FREE revision series of GST for Inter and Final students. Let's finish tax in the best possible manner and let's learn tax like never before!! Telegram group - Main Group - https://t.me/taxation0707 Group for Final - https://t.me/amitmahajantaxfinal I have covered this chapter in the MOST detailed manner possible! I hope you will like this - let me know your reviews in the comments section 🙏🙌 Stay tuned for the upcoming revisions! Connect with me - Telegram - 9969842303 Telegram Group - https://t.me/taxation0707 Instagram - CA Amit Mahajan / MoneyMattersWithAmit #cafinal #cmafinalidt #cmafinalidt #finalidt #indirecttax #taxrevision #gst #itc #cainter #cmainter #gstinter