Tomb Raider Chronicles Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Chronicles Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Chronicles Walkthrough aka Tomb Raider 5 Walkthrough. All levels. All items. All secrets. Most opponents taken out. Minimal healing (mostly none, some required for secrets). Fast paced. Minimal saving. Vanilla PC version running in widescreen with best settings. 0:00:00 Intro FMV 0:01:12 Main Menu Demo ======= Rome ======= 0:05:27 Streets Of Rome FMV 0:07:56 Streets Of Rome 0:12:21 Secret 1 (1) 0:26:00 Secret 2 (2) Condition: 0:24:49 0:30:10 Secret 3 (3) Condition: 0:29:57 0:33:06 Trajan's Markets 0:38:35 Secret 1 (4) Condition: 0:38:06 0:41:52 Secret 2 (5) 0:48:05 Secret 3 (6) Condition 0:47:40 0:53:00 The Colosseum 0:53:15 Secret 1 (7) 1:00:09 Secret 2 (8) Condition: 0:57:45 1:04:18 Secret 3 (9) 1:05:09 The Colosseum Outro FMV ======= Russian Submarine ======= 1:07:12 The Base FMV 1:08:28 The Base 1:10:59 Secret 1 (10) Condition: 1:10:01 1:16:24 Secret 2 (11) 1:20:22 Secret 3 (12) 1:25:53 The Submarine 1:28:00 Secret 1 (13) 1:35:20 Secret 2 (14) 1:36:56 Secret 3 (15) 1:41:50 Deepsea Dive 1:42:02 Secret 1 (16) 1:44:56 Sinking Sub 1:54:38 Secret 1 (17) Condition: 1:53:06 1:56:58 Secret 2 (18) Condition: 1:56:23 2:00:47 Sinking Sub Outro FMV ======= Ireland ======= 2:01:51 Gallows Tree FMV 2:03:55 Gallows Tree 2:04:27 Secret 1 (19) 2:10:03 Secret 2 (20) 2:16:38 Secret 3 (21) 2:22:40 Labyrinth 2:25:34 Secret 1 (22) 2:27:18 Secret 2 (23) 2:30:25 Secret 3 (24) 2:33:34 Old Mill 2:41:50 Secret 1 (25) 2:52:22 Secret 2 (26) Condition: 2:51:22 2:53:14 Secret 3 (27) Condition: 2:51:22 2:59:00 Old Mill Outro/13th Floor Intro FMV ======= VCI Headquarters ======= 3:00:52 The 13th Floor 3:03:22 Secret 1 (28) 3:13:55 Secret 2 (29) 3:20:14 Secret 3 (30) 3:22:35 Escape With The Iris 3:28:03 Secret 1 (31) 3:33:21 Secret 2 (32) 3:34:53 Secret 3 (33) 3:41:34 Red Alert! 3:43:12 Secret 1 (34) 3:46:30 Secret 2 (35) 3:59:33 Secret 3 (36) 4:03:00 Statistics 4:03:07 Red Alert! Outro FMV 4:04:10 Credits 4:06:37 AOD FMV 4:07:16 Patrons & Outro ♦ Patreon:   / dfactor   ♦ Membership:    / @dfactorlongplays   ♦ Twitch:   / dfactorlongplays   ♦ Discord:   / discord   ♦ Twitter:   / dfactorlp   ♦ Steam: ♦ Steam Curator: Survival Spheres music:    / @survivalspheres   Captured at 1920x1080p 30fps x32 CSAA. Upscaled to 2560x1440p. Subtitles are based on Stella's transcript, which has been redacted by me to include missing lines, correct wrong words, typos and even add tutorial lines. This might be the most complete transcript for Tomb Raider Chronicles yet, because as of now I haven't found anything better. #TombRaiderChroniclesWalkthrough #TombRaider5Walkthrough #TombRaiderChronicles #TombRaider5 #TombRaider5ChroniclesWalkthrough #TombRaiderChroniclesLongplay #TombRaider5Longplay