My FIRST TIME Reacting to TWICE!? || “Strategy (feat. Megan Thee Stallion)” M/V

My FIRST TIME Reacting to TWICE!? || “Strategy (feat. Megan Thee Stallion)” M/V

Hi y'all I am a bit of a KPOP NOOB and this is my FRIST TIME reacting to TWICE, I am a Staytiny, and huge Megan Thee Stallion fan! This whole video made me have bi panic. Tags: #twice #reaction #strategy #strategymv #megantheestallion #kpopnoob #newtokpop #staytiny #reacts #bipanic #firstwatch #rawreaction ~~~ Watch the OG MV:    • TWICE “Strategy (feat. Megan Thee Sta...   Watch my KPOP REACTIONS so far:    • KPOP REACTIONS   Sub to my patreon: ~~ Help a Fatima and her family: Daily Click (help for free): ~~~ ~ALL MY SOCIAL LINKS + WHERE TO FIND ME: ~ Mailbox: 402 West Palm Valley BLVD #327 Round Rock, Tx 78664-4237