use your FEMININE ENERGY to RECEIVE MORE | manifestation, dream life, soft girl era
Here is how you are going to tap into your feminine energy and start receiving all of your manifestations, step into the best version of yourself and start living your dream life! Everything happens from within, so when we can love ourselves and reflect self love outwardly we will receive our desires. Subconscious Glow Up Formula: https://thejessicaruffolo.wixsite.com... Inner Work Coaching: https://thejessicaruffolo.wixsite.com... Podcast for the girlies on the go: https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/... Connect with me ♡ subscribe: @mindsetwithjess website: https://thejessicaruffolo.wixsite.com... ig: @ mindsetwithjess_ tiktok: @ mindsetwithjess_ Chapters: 00:00 how to tap into your feminine energy 01:36 the difference between masculine energy vs feminine energy 02:32 how to communicate your boundaries 05:00 the self talk method while manifesting 08:22 how to own any room you walk into 10:18 connect with your sacral chakara 13:58 nervous system regulation methods 16:56 let go of control and accept help from others 19:13 how to inspire actions and receive from others 22:47 outro Tags: #selfhealing, #selfdevelopment, #selfdiscovery, #healing, #traumawounds, #feminineenergy #pinterestboards, #howtousepinterest, #visionboard, #aesthetics, #manifesting, #howtomanifest #dreamcar, #dreamhouse, #dreamrelationship, #higherself #manifestation #selfconcept #selfconceptwork #manifestmore #manifestyourself #manifestnow #feminineenergy #femininepower #femininestrength