The Moon Song | Little Baby Bum | Preschool Songs | Nursery Rhymes

The Moon Song | Little Baby Bum | Preschool Songs | Nursery Rhymes

Mia giggles with delight as she gathers four of her favorite stuffed animals into bed with her and then falls asleep in this classic nursery rhyme "Ten in a Bed". ► Subscribe to watch NEW Moonbug episodes every week:    / @moonbugkids_preschoollearning   ⭐ Never miss the newest Little Baby Bum Songs for toddlers!► ⭐Little Baby Bum new videos weekly! ►    • New Nursery Rhymes for Babies! ⭐ Litt...   ⭐Baby song compilations of four hours and longer! ►    • Four hours long baby song compilations!   Music available on all major streaming platforms now: Little Baby Bum Lullabies: Visit: Website ► Instagram ► Facebook ► Music ► ___________________________________ ⭐LYRICS⭐ At night the moon comes out to play The sun has finished for the day Now it's late and very dark The moon shines bright across the town It's the moon, moon, moon It's the moon, moon, moon Sometimes the moon is a crescent And sometimes it is round It grows bigger and then smaller Every month we have found It's the moon, moon, moon It's the moon, moon, moon It's the moon, moon, moon It's the moon ___________________________________ ⭐TIMESTAMPS⭐ 00:00 The Moon Song 02:05 Yummy Fruits 04:09 What's That Instrument? 06:03 Wheels on the bus bus 08:02 This is The Way We Wash the Bus 09:54 Listen to the sound of... 11:56 Animal Sounds Eating Song 14:00 Are You Sleeping (Baby Max) 16:04 Hickory Dickory Dock 17:48 Getting dressed song (New Models) 19:18 Max learns his ABC's 21:08 Driving My Car 23:20 Baby Splashing in the water 25:06 No Monsters (remake) (New Models) 27:30 Hush Little Baby 29:40 Wheels On The Train 31:39 Five Little Speckled Frogs 33:44 Rain Rain Go Away 35:43 What's Your Name? 37:44 Baby Cuddle 39:46 Row, row, row your boat (New Models) 41:49 Vehicle Sound Song 43:54 5 Green Bottles 45:50 Kangaroo Hop 47:49 5 Little baby Bum Friends 49:52 Max Learns Bubbles and Shapes 51:35 Search and Find Bath Time (New Models) 53:39 Incy Wincy Spider 55:41 Wheels on the Bus Sleepy Time 57:43 Baby Bedtime Animal Yoga 59:52 Twinkle Twinkle 1:01:59 Crunch it, Munch it: Snack Time Song 1:04:00 Happy and You Know it Giggle Song 1:05:44 1,2 What Shall We Do? - Bake Some Cookies! 1:07:18 The Moon and the Stars 1:09:19 Pat a cake 1:11:22 What's in the bag? (New Models) 1:13:22 Down by The Bay with Tootson 1:15:27 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Bath Song 1:17:26 Round and Round Bunny Wash 1:19:25 Planes, trains & automobiles feeding (New Models) 1:21:27 Bath Time Party 1:23:41 Rainbow Song 1:25:44 Finger Family 1:27:43 Baby Max's First Bath (New Models) 1:29:54 Brush Your teeth Dance 1:31:52 Yes Yes Shoes! 1:33:50 Caterpillar Song 1:35:56 Make Your Own Instruments 1:37:57 Yes Yes Vegetables (New Models) 1:39:56 Avocado Song 1:41:53 Max and Mia's Milk (New Models) 1:43:57 1,2 Put On My Shoe 1:46:11 Peek-a-boo 1:47:32 Say Goodnight to Teddy 1:49:36 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive. 1:51:27 Big and Small Song 1:53:26 6 Little Ducks 1:55:19 Sing-A-Song of Colours 1:57:15 Guitar Lullaby ___________________________________ ⭐About Little Baby Bum⭐ Little Baby Bum follows the musical adventures of Mia, Twinkle the Star, and Baby Max. Everyday moments like bath time, getting dressed, or playing peekaboo become even more fun with new and classic nursery rhymes. Little Baby Bum celebrates early childhood experiences and supports cognitive development through loveable characters, relatable stories, and the magic of song, repetition, rhythm, and rhyme. #baby #LittleBabyBum #babysong _______________________________________________ © El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum ⭐Playlist⭐    • Getting Dressed Song - Little Baby Bu...