Sunday Service on 12-1-2025 at 6:30 am || Be Holy || Rev.Ch.Santhosh Kumar.
January 12, 2025, Sunday 1" Sunday after Epiphany Be Holy Deut. 7:1-11 | Psalm 5 | Eph.5:18-20 | John 17:13-17 Gracious God, we thank you for choosing us to be a Holy people in order that we may reflect your image and likeness. Help us to be conscious of your holy presence with us so that we strive to pursue holiness in our words and deeds, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you now and forever. Amen. 1st service, *Telugu, 6.30 a.m.Holy Communion Worship Service*, Speaker: Rev.Ch.Santhosh Kumar 2nd service, Telugu, 9.30 a.m. Worship Service.(No Holy Communion) Speaker: Rev.S.Stanley 3rd service English 6.30 p.m Holy Communion Worship Service Speaker : Rev.John K Jithendra Compiled by Prabodh Dasari