Fall Lawn Care | How To Grow Grass From Seed & Overseed In Fall

Fall Lawn Care | How To Grow Grass From Seed & Overseed In Fall

After a long, hot summer most lawns need a little extra help to look their best again. Fall is the perfect time to grow a new lawn from seed or refresh your existing lawn by overseeding. #lawn #overseeding We have another round of “What’s That Plant?” at the end of the video! If you can guess the correct name and variety of the plant, you win a FREE bag of Blend! Watch now and try your odds - Good Luck! DOWNLOAD OUR BEGINNERS GUIDE TO SOIL-BASED GARDENING HERE: https://campaigns.johnandbobs.com/h/y... J&B WEBSITE: https://www.johnandbobs.com FOLLOW US: J&B’s Facebook:   / johnandbobs   J&B’s Instagram:   / johnandbobs   J&B’s Twitter:   / johnandbobs   PRODUCTS: Blend: https://www.johnandbobs.com/products/... Nourish-Biosol: https://www.johnandbobs.com/products/... Penetrate: https://www.johnandbobs.com/products/... Optimize: https://www.johnandbobs.com/products/... Maximize: https://www.johnandbobs.com/products/... CHAPTERS: 0:00 Intro 1:00 Dramatic Cost Savings 2:32 Pick The Right Time For Seed 4:00 Preparation Similar For Seed & Sod 5:40 Use Generous Seed Rates 6:50 Apply Products Over The Seed 8:40 Water Is Key While Sun Shines 9:55 What’s That Plant? Recommended Videos: Tall Fescue Grass Seed -    • Tall Fescue Grass Seed for the Best S...   Overseeding Lawn in Spring (Part 1) -    • Overseeding Lawn in the Spring | Make...   How To Apply Blend -    • Organic Soil Amendments | How To Appl...   How To Apply Penetrate:    • Organic Soil Amendments | How To Appl...   soil, garden, gardening, garden soil, organic, garden tips, compost, soil food web , johnandbobs, soil life, soil based gardening, lawn care, sod, lawn, grass seed, lawn care tips, tall fescue, blend, penetrate, fresno, california, growing grass, overseeding lawn, fall lawn, overseeding, lawn renovation, how to overseed a lawn, fall lawn fertilizer, fall lawn seeding, overseeding lawn in the fall, Music: www.bensound.com    • Fall Lawn Care | How To Grow Grass Fr...