How To Get Oath: Soulbreaker

How To Get Oath: Soulbreaker

re-uploaded to get rid of any misinformation Requires: 50 in Willpower + Charisma combined 1. Have Hero Etris Reputation and talk to Theadre (Old man at Etris Royal Palace) 2. Talk to Bookkeeper Andros (Library near Etris Inn) 1. Have Murmur 2. Talk to Yunshul 3. Select "For now I am one, but I wish to be three." 4. Interact with any Yunshul Shrine to progress Become a Member:    / @nogo   Roblox Account (Nogora22): Discord:   / discord   Twitch:   / nogo10   TikTok:   / nogodw   PC Specs: #deepwoken Guild:   / discord   My PvP Build:    • "BEST SOULTHORN BUILD" Showcase (Soul...   My PvE Build:    • "BEST SOLO BOSS KILLER BUILD" Showcas...   Mahoraga's Wheel:    • Use THIS To Become The BEST At Deepwoken   No Textures:    • How to Remove Textures Using ClientSe...   RTX Graphics:    • How to Get RTX Graphics Using ClientS...   Custom Font:    • How to get Custom Fonts | Roblox   Music in Order (Submit music in my discord): Gwyn Lord of Cinder:    • Gwyn, Lord of Cinder - Dark Souls Sou...   List of all Music I use: