🔴K-Pop Cover Dance•Celebrity-IU•By LeeJiYu•Cute Version•Korean Milk Club🔴

🔴K-Pop Cover Dance•Celebrity-IU•By LeeJiYu•Cute Version•Korean Milk Club🔴

🌸~안녕하세요!~🌸 🎀~어서 오십시오~🎀 🛼This is a cute version of the start of the music “Celebrity” from IU that JiYu uploaded on TikTok and is with 29.000 of views now. JiYu is preparing herself, specially, mentally for the end of winter college vacations and for dancing more, preparing her high quality abilities for dancing and singing too. Please, support her video with a flood of likes, lovely comments and shares. She will be really happy. Don’t forget to subscribe for her happiness to be completed.🛼 🌺For all the interactions in her previous short video, 정말 감사합니다.🌺 ~subscribe•like•comment•share~ ~감사합니다~ FQA: Internet is not a “Land of Everybody”. Like in every place you go, there are rules here too. The fact a person become “public” don’t give the right for being persecuted, mistreated, bullying and offended. Behave well here or all the possible measures will be taken.