All Points of Interest on Cayo Perico (How to Poison Guards) - GTA Online - The Cayo Perico Heist
**Check the Description! Check the Channel! Subscribe!!** Look here people. These Points of Interest (POI) are probably the most confusing thing about scoping this new location out. There are hidden ones, randomly spawning ones, Points that don't show up on the planning screen. So it's easy to be over here like, wtf mate? But don't worry, I got you covered. In this video, I go over all of the different Points of Interest, where to find them, and whether they are worth your time or not. There are 6 official Points of Interest to discover for the planning screen, 3 more "secret ones" you can use in the Finale (the forklift, poison, water tower) and even more just for fun that Pavel will comment on (Dead Whale, Torture Cage, etc...). So strap in for an adventure on Cayo Perico folks. Or just look at the map I linked below. Either Way. Hope You Enjoy!! POI #1 (Air Control Tower) - 1:35 POI #2 (Forklift) - 1:47 POI #3 (Power Station) - 2:33 POI #4 (Water Towers) - 3:06 POI #5 (Supply Truck) - 4:07 POI #6 (Poison) - 7:44 Poisoning the Water Tower - 9:10 POI #7 (Bolt-Cutters) - 10:48 POI #8 (Guard Clothes) - 12:21 POI #9 (Grappling Equipment) - 15:44 All Secondary Target Locations Video - • All Secondary Target Locations (Gold,... All Infiltration Points Locations Video - • All Infiltration Points on Cayo Peric... Cayo Perico Map of Everything - https://postimg.cc/mtSC5gpq Watch LIVE at - / flipperachi212 Discord Link - / discord GTA Online CREW LINK - https://socialclub.rockstargames.com/... I cant believe I'm already past 28K Subs!!! All of you are awesome! Please consider subscribing if you haven't already! Would love to make it to 30K next! Hope you Enjoy!! KAIZOKU OU NI, ORE WA NARU