US Immigration: America से Deport Indians का Plane पहुंचेगा Amritsar । Donald Trump । Breaking News

US Immigration: America से Deport Indians का Plane पहुंचेगा Amritsar । Donald Trump । Breaking News

US Immigration: America से Deport होकर भारत के छह राज्यों के लोग दोपहर को श्री गुरु रामदास जी अंतरराष्ट्रीय एयरपोर्ट (Amritsar Airport) पर पहुंचेंगे। 205 यात्रियों का अमेरिकी सैन्य विमान C-17 अमेरिका के शहर सैन एंटोनियो से फ्लाइट संख्या आरसीएम 175 लेकर यहां आ रहा है। पहले विमान के सुबह आठ बजे पहुंचने की सूचना थी, पर अब यह दोपहर एक बजे पहुंचेगा और साढ़े चार बजे वापस रवाना होगा। एयरपोर्ट पर सुरक्षा एजेंसियां इसे लेकर पूरी तरह से सतर्क है। #usimmigration #america #donaldtrump #illegalimmigration #indians #hindinews #pmmodi #jaishankar #breakingnews #trump #deportes #amritsar #amritsarairport #deporte About Us - Dainik Jagran is the flagship brand of the company. In today’s dynamic media world, where consumers have an unprecedented array of choices, Dainik Jagran stands out as a brand that is the choice of millions of Indians as they start their day. With a readership of 5.59 cr, it has been the largest read daily of India for the last consecutive 21 rounds of the Indian Readership Survey (IRS). With 37 editions, Dainik Jagran covers 11 states of India. It has also been declared by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) as the Largest read daily in the world. For more Videos visit 👉 Follow us for Breaking News, Sports Coverage, National News, International News, Politics, Current Affairs, Entertainment, Bollywood, Tech, Auto & more! Subscribe to Dainik Jagran | Click Here ► Download the Dainik Jagran Mobile APP: Subscribe now to our Network Channels: 👉 Jagran Josh:    / @jagranjosh   👉 iNextLive:    / @inextlive   👉 HerZindagi:    / @herzindagi   👉 OnlyMyHealth:    / @omh   👉 Jagran HiTech:    / @jagranhitech   👉 Jagran Business:    / @jagranbusiness   Follow us on Social Media: 👉 Facebook:   / dainikjagran   👉 Twitter:   / jagrannews   👉 WhatsApp: Visit our website -