ASTRAL PROJECTION MUSIC Out Of Body EXPERIENCE ( EFFECTIVE!!!) Binaural Isochronic Out Of Body Music
◭ ASTRAL PROJECTION MUSIC Out Of Body EXPERIENCE ( EFFECTIVE!!!) Binaural Isochronic Out Of Body Music|Theta Realms Binaural Beats Meditation Music |Best Out of body Music◮ 🎵 DOWNLOAD WAV - MP3 FILE OF THIS SINGLE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR FULL ACCESS - ▶️https://thetarealms.bandcamp.com/albu... INTENSE MULTI FORM STIMULATION - MID THETA RANGE TO GET YOU TO PROJECT:) Basically for those that have a hard time understanding...the music allows deep focused states of meditation or awareness. The rest is your experience and or not...these are sound tools for focused states associated with most obe perception. There is no one frequency to magically provide push button results. This can simply be used as a theta meditation and is by design multi purposeful. For enjoyment and meditation also! ASTRAL PROJECTION MEDITATION - By Theta Realms Brainwave Sound Journeys. Often times deep theta and use of sound induced lucid dream states can stimulate a perception that actually feels like an out of body experience. Some will call it a lucid dream, while others will call it an astral projection...yet some will perceive it as a deep meditation experience. This is for you to explore and discover and your experience on the astral plane will be your very own. The focus is on intense and creative sound design to stimulate the ultimate astral projection, astral travel, obe like journey. CAUTION!!! this astral projection music sound design is not for everyone. This is Theta Realms Ambient meditation music style that is created to stimulate interesting experiences while allowing deep theta MEDITATION mind states to be enjoyed. Powerful multi toned binaural beats & isochronic tones stimulation that is effective in guiding the listener into deep altered states of vivid lucid dream like experiences. Strap your self in a comfy laying down position...get really comfy:) Put those nice headphones on, make sure your eyes are closed or covered to prevent light and enjoy the ride into the astral plane of your very being. Your experience will be your very own so do remember that trying it multiple times can and often does result in new experiences so Journey Well! This brainwave meditation was created to aid in ➤ out of body experiences and perception using deep theta meditation music and binaural beats with isochronic tones. This experience can be intense yet also serve as a powerful stress reducer, powerful relaxation meditation and even intense vivid lucid dreaming. Will you astral travel? maybe. Will you journey to the astral plane? maybe. There is only one way to find out and this meditation music can be a great tool for this exploration and discovery! Experiences in deep meditation - deep relaxation - Vivid and lucid Dreams - out of body perception - astral projection or out of body travel are the main feature of these sound journeys. 6.3 HZ TO 4 HZ AND OTHER CUSTOMIZATION. POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF THETA BRAINWAVES:✔ Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability Deep relaxation Improved memory Heightened intuition and inspiration Calms the chatter of your mind Increased psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection POTENTIAL HEALTH BENEFITS OF THETA BRAINWAVES:✔ Speed healing, improved physical healing Sleep onset and better more restful sleep Release beneficial hormones related to health and longevity Reduce mental fatigue Reduction of anxiety and stress Please Rate 👍 share 🙏and comment 🤓 and stay tuned for Much More! BEST PRACTICES: ▶ find a place of your choice to lay down and relax. ▶ lay down flat on your back and use good headphones if possible BUT NOT REQUIRED ▶ close your eyes or cover them to ensure no light enters the eyes. ▶ breathe - follow any meditation breathing exercise you choose. ▶ just let the music guide you with the frequency following response. ▶ volume level 50% and up in the day time - 40% and down in the night. ▶ find your sweet spot in terms of where and how you listen. ▶▶▶NEVER DRIVE WHILE LISTENING TO THETA REALMS. ▶ for full effect explore with these guidelines and add your own. follow these basic guidelines and journey well. ◭ ASTRAL PROJECTION MUSIC Out Of Body EXPERIENCE ( EFFECTIVE!!!) Binaural Isochronic Out Of Body Music|Theta Realms Binaural Beats Meditation Music |Best Out of body Music◮ Music Custom Composed by mr Theta for Theta Realms - Theta Realms Brainwave Meditation Music Creates best Lucid Dreaming music to induce Lucid Dreams and extremely powerful Binaural Beats Brainwave Theta Meditation Music and Astral Projection Music to navigate what many call the Astral Plane. Amazing Theta Binaural Beats and custom Music created for Out of Body Perception. THETA REALMS - Binaural Beats Meditation Music 2018 (C) #ThetaRealms #BrainwaveMeditation #ThetaBinauralBeats #isochronicTones #AstralProjectionMusic #OutOfBodyMusic