Diaspora Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj Dictionary

Diaspora Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj Dictionary

Diaspora Meaning in Hindi - HinKhoj Dictionary Hello Friends! Diaspora means a group of people who spread from one original country to other countries, or the act of spreading in this way and Hindi meaning is प्रवासी We choose this word as Word of the day with sentence example - Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Indian diaspora at the packed NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. Diaspora is used as a noun. To find more meaning and word details clickhttps://dict.hinkhoj.com/hindi-dictio... #Diaspora #NarendraModi #Vocabulary Download Hinkhoj English Hindi dictionary app to learn vocabulary - https://dict.hinkhoj.com/install-app.php For more vocabulary tips and tricks, please visit our Website: https://dict.hinkhoj.com/ हमारी apps को download करने के लिए इन links पर click करें: HinKhoj: https://dict.hinkhoj.com/install-app.php Namaste English: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... HinKhoj blog https://blog.hinkhoj.com Follow us on Instagram at   / hinkhoj