Chapter 34: THE DESCENT | Seattle day 2 | Full Walkthrough | THE LAST OF US: PART II

Chapter 34: THE DESCENT | Seattle day 2 | Full Walkthrough | THE LAST OF US: PART II

SEATTLE DAY 2 Chapter 34: The Descent Coin - Illinois Artifact - Gym Safe Combo 12-18-79 Safe Location - Gym Closet Artifact - FEDRA Orders Artifact - FEDRA Final Notes Coin - Oregon Coin - Wisconsin Coin - Rhode Island Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate survivors. When a violent event disrupts that peace, Ellie embarks on a relentless journey to carry out justice and find closure. As she hunts those responsible one by one, she is confronted with the devastating physical and emotional repercussions of her actions. Pet godina posle njihovog opasnog putovanja po post-pandemiji Sjedinjenih Država, Eli i Džoel su se skrasili u Džeksonu, Vajoming. Život među uspešnom zajednicom preživelih omogućio im je mir i stabilnost, uprkos stalnoj pretnji zaraženih i drugih, očajnijih preživelih. Kada nasilni događaj poremeti taj mir, Eli kreće na nemilosrdno putovanje da sprovede pravdu i pronađe završetak. Dok lovi odgovorne jednog po jednog, suočena je sa razarajućim fizičkim i emocionalnim posledicama svojih postupaka. Poglavlje 34: Spuštanje Novčić - Ilinois Artifact - Teretana sef 12-18-79 Bezbedna lokacija - Ormar za teretanu Artifact - FEDRA naredbe Artifact - ZAVRŠNE BELEŠKE FEDRA Novčić - Oregon Novčić - Viskonsin Novčić - Rod Ajlend #Bokanidja Sony PlayStation 5 #SGC