How to test motorcycle pickup coils

How to test motorcycle pickup coils

How to test motorcycle pickup coils. In this video I will show you how to bench test and troubleshoot motorcycle pickup coils. The motorcycle pickup coils in this video are from a 1986 kawasaki zg1000. One of the pickup coils became suspect after the motorcycle would warm up, the motorcycle would quit firing on two cylinders and stall out. You need a electrical meter, set on ohms, and the factory specifications for your particular motorcycles pickup coils. Testing the coils is pretty much universal and can be done on the bike as well. Simply find your motorcycle pickup coil cover, trace the wiring back to the wiring harness and you can disconnect the pickup coil from the harness and test there. I used a heat gun to warm the pickup coils to temp, and as you see one of the motorcycle pickup coils went way out of the acceptable range, problem found.