How to Deal with Expectations in a Relationship

How to Deal with Expectations in a Relationship

We all have expectations, so how do we manage them in a relationship? Ladies, here are 3 tips that night help. If you need one on one support with managing expectations in your relationship, DM Me the word COACHING OR click the link below to get fill out an application to see if we're a good fit to work together Thanks for checking out my video. Im helping you heal your life and relationships while bouncing back one day at a time. 🙏I offer one on one Relationship & Life Coaching. If you'd like to work with me 1 on 1 click the link below to find out how: 📘📙Get the ebook Connecting Conversations: Enhancing Communication in Romantic Relationships. This ebook is for couples who keep missing the mark when you're having conversations about changes outside and inside the bedroom. You're having a difficult time having those hard conversations. Then this ebook is for you. Pick it up today by clicking the link below. ❤️❤️If your life foundation seems rocky, unstable and stagnant, you need a boost to reset. I created an ebook to help you called The 7 Pillars Blueprint Strengthen Life from the Ground Up. This ebook will focus on 7 key areas in your life that will help you rebuild your foundation brick by brick. Get the ebook here: ❤️❤️Get your Self Discovery Journal with Prompts to start rediscovering who you are and what you want in life. Get it at my Etsy Shop by clicking the link below 🎙️❤️ Social Worker Coach Podcast ❤️🎙️ I always got something to say and i don't hold back. I talk about things most folks think, but don't say when it comes to life, relationships, the office and business. There's personal development sessions where I read books that can help you think and grow. 🎤🎙️The Social Worker Coach Podcast is on Spotify as well as your favorite podcast platform. Take a listen by clicking the link below. A little about me... I'm a Social Worker and Certified Life Coach, I will share my experiences and lessons as I know they'll help others. I have a few decades of life and professional experience under my belt in the office. I have been through several traumatic events and I have no problem sharing them with you in my videos. I know that my lessons will be a blessing and transform someone else's life. Be sure to subscribe to my channel if this is the information you want to hear more about. Feel free to share this video with others you think this message can help. Again, thanks for checking out my video. It's greatly appreciated. #tonetta Clay The Social Worker Coach #relationship #expectations #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #womenempowerment #SpeakUp #SpeakYourTruth #relationships