🔴Trust the Process! Let No Contact Strategically Work on a Narcissist | Narcissism | NPD
Please Subscribe ‪@NarcPedia‬ for various topics related to narcissism and narcissists. Let's study and grow together! Thank You! Hello everyone, and welcome back to our channel! We appreciate you taking the time to watch another video. If you enjoy our content, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support helps our channel grow and reach more people who may benefit from our insights. Have you ever wondered why No Contact is considered the best strategy when dealing with a narcissist? It's important to understand that No Contact means exactly that: no text messages, no phone calls, and no social media interactions. This approach effectively starves the narcissist of "supply," which is a crucial element in their psychological manipulation and control. For those of you who have children with a narcissist, the situation can become more complicated. In such cases, using parenting apps and practicing parallel parenting can be an effective alternative. This method allows you to communicate solely through the app, minimizing direct contact. Meetings to exchange the children can be arranged at neutral locations, further reducing the chances of conflict or manipulation. You should be aware that the narcissist will likely notice if you are implementing No Contact or using parenting apps. This realization can lead to significant frustration on their part. Narcissists often respond in various ways when they feel their control slipping away. They may attempt to break the No Contact rule by withdrawing temporarily to bait you into reaching out or by trying to "Hoover" you back into their life. If you are using parenting apps, be prepared for the narcissist to try to communicate with you through other means, such as phone calls, texts, or emails, rather than sticking to the guidelines of the app. It is crucial to understand that maintaining No Contact can be quite challenging. For those who are more empathetic, it can be especially difficult to break ties or remain silent in the face of their attempts to re-engage. The journey of implementing No Contact can indeed be a struggle for the chosen one or the empath. However, it is essential to recognize that this strategy can significantly aid in your healing process. Patience is key. You must allow time for the effects of No Contact to take hold. It is vital not to set a timeline in your mind, thinking, "I will wait for six weeks and then see how they respond." No Contact is not a temporary measure; it's a permanent decision you make for your well-being. You are choosing No Contact because this individual has treated you unfairly and abusively. You are beginning to wake up to their narcissistic behavior, and No Contact is a necessary step in reclaiming your life. Understand that this is a long journey, and it requires commitment. "Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel." #Narcissist #Narcissism #NarcissisticAbuse #ToxicRelationships #MentalHealth #NPD #Psychology #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder