How To Lose Weight Fast | 2 Tips To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days

How To Lose Weight Fast | 2 Tips To Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days

Losing weight is much easier than building muscle. Simply by moving water and removing sugary drinks (including fruit sugar) someone can lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days Learning how to lose weight is simple but the doing can be much more of a challenge because people are addicted to sugar.. (we'll save that for another video) We had a 30 day challenge where people only drank water for 30 days and 90% of people saw weight loss within the 30 days. Average of 15 pounds! So start with simple practical steps and build on top of your success ________________________________________________________________________ Roy is a NASM certified personal trainer who specializes in bodybuilding and weight loss. He started his journey with an aspiration to play professional football one day. A couple season ending injuries later he had to make a big decision.. Continue down the NFL path or choose something else. He chose “something else” and 10 years later the expert personal trainer focuses on health from the inside out. Longevity is the goal. Building muscle and burning fat is simply a by-product. Here To help! What questions can I answer for you? Put them in the comments! _____ The Youtube channel is a documentation of the personal training journey and Roys’ personal physique goals! Watch the Vegan Athlete Series Here: _____ Instagram:   / roysworld_   Facebook:   / roysworldd   Private Facebook Group: Snapchat:   / royal_riser38   _____ Supplements, Products & More: Disclaimer: This information is not meant to treat, cure or diagnose any disease of the body and should only be used for educational purposes. It is recommended that you speak with your healthcare practitioner before making any changes to your nutrition, exercises or lifestyle behaviors