Online Worship Service 11_29_2020

Online Worship Service 11_29_2020

Welcome to the Long Beach Alliance Church Live Stream for November 29, 2020. Our service will begin at 10:30, but if you're early, enjoy the music while watching some of our current announcements roll through. You will find additional announcements below, as well as in the Worship Guide, which can be found at the first link below. In order to chat with the others who are watching the live stream, you may need to refresh your page once the service actually begins. Please see the following links to access your usual Worship Guide. All links will open in a new window so that you don't lose your place in the above video. WORSHIP GUIDE (Including Interactive Sermon Notes and Worship Song Lyrics): PARENTS – Here are a few fun, simple ways you can help your kids participate in worship this week. These could be things the kids do while you are listening to the sermon or at a different point in your day or even later this week. Use what works for you and your family! KIDS' SERMON NOTES: CANDYCANE ACTIVITY: JESUS MAZE ACTIVITY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: ◊ FOSTERALL TOY & GIFT CARD DRIVE - There’s still time to donate a toy or $25 gift card to FosterAll’s drive for boys and girls, ages 14-18. There will be a collection box on the Usher table in the parking lot Sundays and in the office the rest of the week (Tuesday 10AM-5PM). Today is the last day to drop off your donations. ◊ CHRISTMAS CONNECTION - Saturday, December 5 at 11:30AM. All men and women (High School Junior & up) are invited. You don’t want to miss this fun interactive celebration. Tickets are $5 each. Look for the table in the parking. ◊ DECEMBER BENEVOLENT OFFERING - We wanted to make you aware that the Elder Board will be designating December’s Benevolent Offering to Watts Powerhouse Church. Help God’s love shine in the Watts community! ◊ HOMELESS CLOTHING and TOILETRIES DRIVE - There has been a 7% increase in the Long Beach homeless population since 2019. With COVID present and spreading, many are too scared to go to the shelters. Will you help them? Check your closets for items you don’t need. Because of colder weather, homeless are in need of blankets, coats, sweatshirts and pants, hats, gloves, socks, and toiletry items (even $5 gift cards to Starbucks or Coffee Bean can help). We will be having a collection table next week, December 6, and the following week, December 13. Please contact Suzanne Harvey for questions or more details. ◊ Save the Date for the next Red Cross Blood Drive, December 27. It’s time to save more lives! If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at [email protected]. CCLI/CVLI License for Streaming #255263/504246428