Sunday Morning Worship @ GSS | Oct 30, 2022
Welcome to the House of Greater! Thanks for tuning in with us, we are so grateful you chose to stream the Greater way. Share this stream with your loved ones, friends and family. Please invite 3 people you know to share this experience! | LET'S CONNECT | Visit houseofgreater.org Instagram + Twitter: @gss_fgbc Facebook: Greater St. Stephen | @GreaterStStephenFGBC Pastor Rob Instagram: / pastort_rob Facebook: / tdelbertrobinsonministries Lady Jay Instagram: / lady_jasminerobinson Facebook: / jay.rob.779857 Follow Pastor Debra B. Morton on Social Media: Instagram: / pastordbmorton Facebook: / pastordebramorton Follow Bishop Paul S. Morton on Social Media: Instagram: / bishoppaulmorton Facebook: / bishoppaulmorton **I don’t own the rights to this music, but have a license that protects our organization from copyright infringement. Please see license info below.** CCLI License Info: Copyright License: 21318693 Size C Streaming Plus License: 21318703 Size C