29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Sunday October 20, 2024
Mass Readings for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B First Reading – Isaiah 53:10-11: The LORD allowed the Suffering Servant to suffer for our sins. He will offer his life, see his descendants, fulfill the LORD’s will, and justify many through his affliction and bearing their guilt. Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 33: The Lord’s word is reliable, and his works are trustworthy. He watches over those who fear him and hope for his kindness, rescuing them from death and sustaining them in famine. Second Reading – Hebrews 4:14-16: Jesus, the Son of God, our great high priest, understands our weaknesses and temptations. Let us confidently approach God’s throne for mercy and grace in our time of need. Gospel – Mark 10:35-45: James and John asked Jesus for positions of honor. Jesus taught that true greatness comes from serving others, not from seeking power. He emphasized that he came to serve and give his life for many. The Official YouTube Channel for Holy Trinity Catholic Church - Kileleshwa A Community of Love Unity and Service (COLUS) located along Othaya Road, Nairobi, Kenya. Live church service, Daily Bible Readings and Homilies. 0:00 - Entrance Procession 0:52 - Introductory Rites 4:01 - The Penitential Rite 6:38 - The Gloria 10:05 - Opening Prayer 11:34 - First Reading 12:39 - Responsorial Psalm 14:38 - Second Reading 16:04 - Gospel Acclamation. 16:40 - Gospel 19:20 - Homily 32:24 - Apostles Creed 34:18 - Prayer of the Faithful 38:14 - Liturgy of the Eucharist 55:55 - Communion Rite 1:10:00 - Announcements 1:16:25 - Concluding Rite