Michael Jackson BAD Original Studio Multitracks (Listening Session & Analysis)

Michael Jackson BAD Original Studio Multitracks (Listening Session & Analysis)

Free Voice Lessons: https://chrisliepe.com/free-your-voice/ My Website: https://chrisliepe.com The nuances that become evident in Michael's vocals when you get to solo them out are just striking. He had such impeccable timing and consistency but intuitively knew when to be tastefully 'off' and vary his approach just enough to rope the listener in even more. We are not aware of these subtleties when listening to the full mix. We just LOVE what we hear and feel connected to it. But when you get to isolate the individual parts and study the layers, you gain a whole new appreciation for WHY you love the song so much. In BAD, we get to especially hear this in Michael's doubles on the verses and how the instrumental solos that were mixed and comp'd for the final mix were actually full takes! ...SO COOL!