Worship Service:  Christmas Eve 2021  (The Village Chapel - 12/24/2021)

Worship Service: Christmas Eve 2021 (The Village Chapel - 12/24/2021)

Christmas Eve 2021 We’ve all heard people talk about the “true meaning” of Christmas. But just what is it? What difference does the birth of a baby two thousand years ago make to us? Who was this baby and why has he become the most talked about individual in human history? How is it that His life has had such an impact on so many when He had such a lowly entrance into the world and then died the death of a criminal? Was Jesus really “God with us,” or God becoming “one of us?” Join Pastor Jim as he explores some of the claims of the New Testament concerning the historical person, Jesus of Nazareth, and just what those claims can mean for us. (27:28) Our Sunday morning worship services are comprised of verse-by-verse Bible teaching, Christ-centered worship and a time of congregational prayer. Gather with us in-person at 9 or 11 am or online at 10 am on Sunday morning, or watch anytime, at thevillagechapel.com. To learn more about The Village Chapel, fill out our online info card here: https://thevillagechapel.ccbchurch.co... After you submit the form, someone from our team will be in touch. To learn more about all our online programming, including groups, classes, and events, go to: https://thevillagechapel.com/online/ Songs: (3:23) "O Come All Ye Faithful" C. Frederick Oakeley & John Francis Wade (8:44) "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" Charles Wesley & Felix Mendelssohn (11:32) "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus" Charles Wesley (19:05) "The First Noel" Traditional English (22:26) "O Come O Come Emmanuel" Henry Sloane Coffin, Thomas Helmore & John Mason Neale (55:27) "O Holy Night" Adolphe Charles Adam, Placide Cappeau & John S. Dwight (1:00:49) "Silent Night" Gene Grier, Franz Xaver Gruber & Joseph Mohr (1:05:53) "Joy to the World" George Frederic Handel & Isaac Watts (1:08:33) "Doxology" Excerpted from "All People that on Earth Do Dwell" William Kethe (6:11) Call to Worship: Lighting of the Christ Candle LEADER: We gather to celebrate the birth of the One who is the Light of the World. ALL: We are here to worship God the Father, Spirit and Son. We light the Candle of Hope to remind us of the promises made by all the prophets that God would raise up a savior for His people. We declare today that Jesus Christ is our Savior and our hope. MEN: We light the Candle of Love to remind us that Jesus is God's gift of love to us - and that in Christ, the light of God’s love has triumphed over the darkness of our sin. WOMEN: We light the Candle of Joy to remind us that God gives joy to every heart that abides in His presence. MEN: We light the Candle of Peace to remind us that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. In His death He has brought us peace with God and in His resurrection He has brought us the peace of God. WOMEN: We light the final candle of Advent, the Christ candle, to remind us that Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, is our Savior and King. Christ has conquered the darkness and now invites each of us to step out of the darkness and into His glorious light! MEN: For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder. WOMEN: His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Emmanuel. ALL: Lord, we celebrate Your coming to be with us in the person of Jesus Christ, your Son. Prepare us for that joyful day when He will come again. Transform us as we give You glory, honor, praise and thanksgiving in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King. Hallelujah, amen!