Game of NEET 2.0 ⚔️| Chemical Kinetics | NEET 2025 | Wassim Bhat
💥 Phoenix All Star Fastrack Batch - Enroll now for just ₹2,999 💥: https://unacademy.com/goal/neet-ug/YO... ➡️Nimbus Early Achiever’s Batch for NEET UG 2027: https://unacademy.com/goal/neet-ug/YO... ➡️The NEET UG subscription price now starts at Rs. 5,999./-: https://unacademy.com/goal/neet-ug/YO... [Topics Covered] 00:00 - Intro 14:00 - Chemical Kinetics 23:50 - Average Rate of Reaction 1:32:40 - Law of Mass Action 1:43:44 - Rate Law or Rate Expression 2:02:47 - Molecularity 2:13:59 - Order of the Reaction 2:21:16 - Is the Following Statement Correct 2:57:15 - Relation Between Different Rate Constants 3:47:48 - Zero Order Raection and Its Integrated Reaction 6:33:00 - Rate Constant for a First Order Gaseous Reaction 8:00:00 - Collision Theory 8:34:00 - Arrhenius reaction ➡️Complete NEET UG Physical Notes + Mock Test Series: https://unacademy.com/goal/-/YOTUH/su... --------------------------------- Download the Unacademy Learning App here: ➤ Android: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/40a ➤ iOS: https://unacademy.onelink.me/081J/a61 ---------------------------------- If you don’t wish to miss any updates or the latest videos about NEET UG Exams Preparation, subscribe to the channel now. Students who have already subscribed, stay tuned as we will get more strategy and preparation videos and FREE LIVE CLASSES just for you. Feel free to spread the word – share the videos with your friends and classmates. #gameofneet #chemicalkinetics #neetpreparation #wassimbhat #unacademyneetenglish #neetenglishchannel #unacademyneetenglish #unacademy #neet2025 #neetenglish #neetstratergy #neet2025preparation #gameofneet2.0