왕이신하나님높임을 | He is Exalted | CCM Piano | Pray | Rest | Worship
왕이신하나님높임을 | He is Exalted | CCM Piano | Pray | Rest | Worship 왕이신 나의 하나님 진리로 온 땅을 다스리시는 찬양받기 합당하신 주님의 이름을 두손가득 찬양드립니다 My god the king who rules the whole earth with truth the name of the Lord who is worthy to be praised I praise you with both hands 🎹건반지기 올림 [ from keyboard diary ] ========================================================================== ♪ 모든 음원은 건반지기가 직접 연주한 곡입니다 ♪ 좋아요, 구독, 알람설정을 하시면 컨텐츠 제작에 많은 힘이 됩니다 ♪ All sound sources are piano songs played by Keyboard Diary ♪ Likes, subscriptions, and alarm settings help a lot in content creation #ccmpiano #피아노찬양 #은혜찬양 #쉼을주는찬양 #위로의찬양 #안식 #평안 #휴식을주는찬양 #예배찬양 #은혜 #회복 #기도찬양 #은혜찬양 #1시간찬양 #rest #ccmpiano #worship #morningpiano #gospelsongs #worshipsong #work #gracemusic