make a wish... spell. it WILL come true.

make a wish... spell. it WILL come true.

this subliminal did not come to you by chance, this is a sign. if you follow my instructions precisely, I can guarantee that no matter the extravagance of your wish it WILL come true. 1. listen to this subliminal as many times as desired, and at least ONCE a day for AT LEAST 68 seconds visualize you living in your desired state of the wish fulfilled. Hold unto that feeling you get of having your wish. if your mind wanders or you lose that feeling even for a split second, start over. 2. make sure you can live in the state of the wish fulfilled as often as you can. The more often the faster your subconscious will manifest it. 3. Trust in divine timing and believe. This is extremely important. Whether your wish comes to you in a day, a month, or even a year, if you can follow these steps it is INEVITABLE even if you don't want it anymore. I cast an extremely powerful spell that involves some very serious angel magick with my personal archangels, you are divinely protected. Benefits: your wish, no matter how large or seemingly unreasonable, IS YOURS. You can use this for multiple wishes but I recommend focusing on one wish at a time.