Strong Thunderstorm in Distance | Nostalgic Field | Calm Before the Storm | 3 HOURS

Strong Thunderstorm in Distance | Nostalgic Field | Calm Before the Storm | 3 HOURS

Butterflies in my stomach and feeling of excitement and happiness when I hear deep thunders rolling in distance during summer day. Sitting in the middle of field and just watching that darkness approaching. All problems are forgotten.. I'm just here.. fully experiencing present moment. Gear used: Mics: LEWITT LCT 540 S - Stereo pair LOM USI PRO LOM MIKROUSI Sonorus Objects 2 Recorders: ZOOM F6 ZOOM F3 SONY PCM D100 SONY PCM A10 Software used: Avid Pro Tools Adobe Premiere Adobe Audition Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom #rollingthunder #storm #sleep #noloops #thunderstorm #calmbeforethestorm #summer #atmosphere Audio material in this video is original and personally recorded by myself on location. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this audio is prohibited