Serums for dry skin | dermatologist recommends

Serums for dry skin | dermatologist recommends

It is better to use a good moisturiser if you have dry skin. But I do get asked to recommend serums for dry skin. So here are a few options. ✅Ceramides This is an ingredient which helps in repairing skin barrier and reduces water loss from skin z can use a liberal amount twice a day Few recommendations: @drsheths Cica ceramide overnight serum @cerave Hydrating hyaluronic acid serum @nykaaskinrx Ceramide serum ✅Peptides If you are above the age of 30 , the peptides can be used at night. It helps to moisturise the skin as well as sends signals to stimulate collagen products Few recommendations @beminimalist__ Multipeptide @thedermacoindia Snail mucin peptide @theordinary Buffet serum ✅Squalane Squalene is naturally present in skin. It is produced by sebaceous glands. Squalane oil helps in moisturising the skin. If you are someone who likes to use facial oils then squalane is a good choice Squalane oil @beminimalist__ Squalane oil @theordinary Squalane oil #dryskin #dermatologist #skincare #haircare Disclaimer: I am sharing my personal experience and knowledge about this product. Content provided on this Instagram handle is for informational purposes only. This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Information on this Instagram handle should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a qualified dermatologist . Please consult with a physician or dermatologist regarding any medical or health related kdiagnosis or treatment options.