SUB) Cold Spicy Ramen for hot summer days :: Easy Korean Recipe
Do you like spicy foods? :) [Ingredients] 1 ramen, soy sauce 2T, sugar 2T cheongyang(hot) pepper, cucumber, crab stick, bean sprouts 1. Make soup with 1 soup base, 2T soy sauce, 2T sugar, 1 cup of water, sliced cheongyang(hot) pepper and ice. 2. Slice onions, cucumbers, and crab meat thinly 3. Put bean sprouts in boiling water first, and add noodles, ramen flakes, and onions. 4. When the noodles and vegetables are well cooked, rinse them in cold water. 5. Put noodles and soup in a bowl and put garnish on it. 6. Yum yum! #noodles #spicy #summer #simple *The original recipe is from Paik's Cuisine • '냉라면' 더욱 맛있게 먹는 방법 ㅣ 백종원의 쿠킹로그 [BGM] Doh De Oh by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/ 🎵Music provided by BGM President 🎵Track : A Riddling Life - • [브금대통령] (스윙/꼬마/Comic) 알수없는 9살인생/A Rid... 🎵Music provided by BGM President 🎵Track : Piece of Cake - • [Royalty Free Music] Piece of Cake(Br...