Indian sweets dishes related Words with Hindi & english Meaning |Samosa in english | common words
Hello friends, welcome to all of you in our youtube channel ajs study. Unique way to learn daily use words and sentences from Hindi to English. Learn important words and sentences used in daily life, by learning which you can improve your spoken English. In this video, we have told the meaning of words related to Indian sweets names in Hindi and English, so please watch the video till the end and answer the quiz given at the end of the video in the comment box. and join today with our ajs study youtube channel and subscribe today and press the bell icon to get new notifications immediately. Thanks for watching the video #Ajsstudy Word meaning covered in this video 👇👇👇👇👇 समोसा, जलेवी, कचौरी, आलू टिक्की, चावल की खीर, साबुदानें की खीर, लड्डू and many more