Master Dough V2!! 🍩 | Dough Guide V2 Blox Fruit
Hey guys, this video is a V2 Guide on How To PvP with Dough, I hope you learnt something from this video! If there is anything else I missed, please let me know by commenting! Stats : 2550 Melee, Defense & Fruits Come Join My Discord Server : / discord Time Stamps : 00:00 Preview 01:06 Fruit Introduction 01:16 Z Skill Showcase 02:44 X Skill Showcase 04:43 C Skill Showcase 07:29 V Skill Showcase 08:45 M1 Showcase 09:09 F Skill Showcase 11:10 My Thoughts 11:44 Fighting Style Recommendation 12:02 Godhuman Combos 12:57 Electric Claw Combos 14:01 Sanguine Art Combos 14:57 Sharkman Karate Combos 15:49 Race Recommendation 17:03 Accessory Recommendation 17:26 PvP Music Used : 1. Ohayo (original) 2. KUWAGO - Parade 3. KUWAGO - Higher 4. Colorful by Roa Music | / roa_music1031 Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... 5. KYOTOKONKON x Project Skylate - Quarantine 6. Poolside by Roa Music | / roa_music1031 Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... 7. Systile - Cotton Candy 8. Renai Circulation (Lone Alpha Remix) 9. Mihony - Candy Space