How to Fix Earphones/Headphones Work for Music but Not for Calls on iPhone | Earphones Not Working

How to Fix Earphones/Headphones Work for Music but Not for Calls on iPhone | Earphones Not Working

Is your iPhone earphone not working during calls? If your earphones/headphones work for music but not for calls or earphones are not working during calls or otherwise able to hear music, then watch this comprehensive video guide. In this video guide, I have shown how to fix headphones not working for calls on your iPhone. Watch the video guide and discover easy and quick methods to solve the 'Earphones/Headphones do not work for calls' issue. Follow the steps carefully and learn the process to fix the 'earphones/headphones work for music but not calls' issue on your iPhone. 00:01- Video intro 00:21- Solution 1: Check the Bluetooth connection 00:52- Solution 2: Disable content privacy restriction 01:07- Solution 3: Update Software 01:20- Solution 4: Reset the network settings 01:40- Solution ending #EarphonesNotWorking #iPhoneEarphones #HeadphonesNotWorkingForCalls