Healing Your Inner Child To Transform Your Future.

Healing Your Inner Child To Transform Your Future.

Sign you to the Path To Emotional Freedom Masterclass ⬇️ https://mailchi.mp/3d308df04607/path-... In this video I dive into the topic of inner child wounds and how the emotional pain from inner child wounds needs to be healed to be able to unlock your future and stop playing out the same behaviour patterns again and again in your life. We bring emotional pain from the past into our present lives and continue to relive again and again so in this video I discussed why you must heal to stop inner child wound destroying your future. 🌐 CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram @kristina_woodward111 Pinterest https://pin.it/3SA5vpiKg Tiktok @kristinawoodward111 Check out my website: https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/ 🔥FREE RESOURCES ➡️ Discover your dominant inner child wound https://cq6hnnpl3cx.typeform.com/to/s... ➡️ Shadow work journal prompts for beginners https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/sh... ➡️ Master Meditation in 5 days with an email video series. https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/me... ************** 🎥 OTHER VIDEOS YOU MIGHT LIKE    • Overcome your limiting beliefs   ************** GET STEP BY STEP MENTORING FROM ME 👇 Apply and receive a FREE 15 minutes call. 👁️ 1:1 shadow work coaching to help to heal and integrate all aspects of yourself https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/3-... ✨ 8 weeks spiritual life coaching https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/8-... 💻 Take control of your shadow side with my Shadow work mini course. https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/sh... 💪3 hour Embodied Healing Workshop to learn the link between emotional body and the physical body https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/em... 💥 1 hour call - Identifying limiting beliefs https://kristinawoodward.podia.com/id... #healing #transformation #innerwork #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #innerchildwounds #innerchildmeditation