The Last of Us Left Behind Remake | Chapter 4: Fun and Games | 4K 60FPS GAMEPLAY & WALKTHROUGH
Left Behind takes place after the events of the University of Eastern Colorado. Ellie & Joel take refuge in the Colorado Mountain Plaza Shopping Mall. Ellie takes off further into the mall to find supplies to help Joel. During this time she runs into many Runners, Stalkers, Clickers, & even Hunters that want to see Joel and Ellie dead. During flashback scenes, we see the friendship between Ellie & her best friend, Riley Abel. Many of the scenes revolve around a shopping mall that the two used to explore and play at. By the end, we see how Riley met her end as alluded to in the main series. SUPPORT ON PATREON for as little as $1/month you can get early access to this show and MANY OTHERS. Patreon: / drailed JOIN OUR DISCORD! For voice and audio chat before and after shows with your friends from the Live Chat! / discord 0:00 Opening 1:00 The Mall is Alive 1:32 Photo Booth 4:02 Fast Burger 5:35 Carousel 6:33 Pun Book 8:42 Arcade 8:57 Angel Knives 12:10 Follow the Music 16:16 Water Gun Fight 20:20 Final Dialogue 24:36 Ending DLC #thelastofusremake #thelastofus #leftbehind