Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd) • Cover feat. Elsa
Listen to more music from Elsa and her band right here: https://linktr.ee/elsa.band.music CREDITS Elsa Steixner - vocals: / elzita.7 Nils Neumann - rhythm guitar and audio and video production: / @nils-neumann https://www.nilsneumannmusic.com Morris Methorst - lead guitar: / morrismethorst Marius Holland - piano: / holland_marius Pauline Timmerbeil - bass guitar: / pledzko and Sina - Drums :) If you want to help me to keep videos like this coming, you can support me on Patreon: / sina_drums Or you can become a YouTube channel member: / @sina-drums "Everyone can play covers, how about you start doing some music on your own?" This is what I read quite a lot in my comments. Unfortunately, my original music never gets as many views as my covers (because no-one looks for it because not a lot of people know that it exists...) but I brought out three original albums over the last few years. All the music is available for free on YouTube and also streamable on all bigger streaming platforms. Look out for "Sina Chi Might" to have a listen or click the link below to find a YouTube playlist with all songs made for the Chi Might Project: • Best of Chi Might Project I also have some brand new merchandise: https://crowdmade.com/collections/sin... More about me: https://girls-got-groove.com / girlsgotgroove / sinadrums My equipment: Kirchhoff Schlagwerk https://www.kirchhoff-schlagwerk.com/ Evans Drumheads http://www.evansdrumheads.com/ Beyerdynamic microphones TG I51, TG D58c, TG D57c, MC930, and headphones (DT 770 M) https://www.beyerdynamic.de/ Check out some more of the gear I use right here: https://www.thomann.de/intl/thlpg_k3m... #wishyouwerehere #pinkfloyd #drums #fullbandcover #rockcover #sinadrums #elsa #fishbowl