Worship Service - December 10, 2023

Worship Service - December 10, 2023

Welcome to the 2nd week of Advent. We pray that you will experience the love of God during this season. Pastor Stuart Johns will be continuing our study through the book of Exodus as we focus on the second plague found in Exodus 8:1-15. We will learn that we need to keep our promises to God. You can download the bulletin this morning by going to https://idaville.church/Bulletin_2023.... Please fill out the Communication Card at https://idaville.church/live, to let us know you watched the worship service. (Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Communication Card). You can give online by going to https://idaville.church/give. You can also send your tithe to Idaville Church, 3590 Carlisle Road, Gardners, PA 17324. Pre-recorded music is used at the beginning and end of the service. Symphony of Praise is owned by Brentwood Music, Inc. (1995). Our CCLI license number for live performances is 1020954. Our CCLI license number for streaming is 20115653.