Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Like and Subscribe. It helps us and it helps you. Pray with us - live - weekdays, 8:30AM and Sundays 10:30AM. Like and subscribe, hit the notification bell so you never miss a broadcast! Readings: Pray with us - live - weekdays 8:30AM and Sundays 10:30AM. Like and subscribe, hit the notification bell so you never miss a broadcast! Support our parish with a gift: TEXT "IHMGIFT" to 77977 (standard message and data rates may apply) Online giving:​ PayPal: Download our app on the Apple App store or Google play: Pray with us, follow us on social: Facebook:   / ihmwayne​   Instagram:   / ihmwayne​   YouTube:    / ihmwayne​   Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-733497. All rights reserved.