রাঁধুনি তেহারি মসলা দিয়েই তৈরি করুন পুরান ঢাকার স্বাদে গরুর তেহারি।Radhuni packet Moshla beef tehari
রাঁধুনি তেহারি মসলা দিয়ে খুব সহজে তৈরি করুন অসম্ভব মজাদার গরুর মাংসের তেহারি - পুরান ঢাকার তেহারির স্বাদে। Radhuni Tehari Masala | Beef Tehari | tehari recipe bangla Ingredients : Beef 1 kg rice 800 gm (3 & 1/2 cup) mustard oil 1 cup onion slice 2 cups ginger paste 1 tbsp garlic paste 1 tbsp gleen chili 3 slice Radhuni tehari moshla plain yogurt 3 Tbsp coriander powder 1 Tbsp cumin powder 1 Tbsp salt 1 Tbsp + 1 Tbsp Hot Water 2 cups for beef Hot water 7 cups for rice Milk powder 4 Tbsp Whole Green chili 8-10 Kewra water 1 Tbsp #তেহারিরেসেপি #beeftehari #radhunimoslaetehari beef tehari recipe bangladeshi,beef tehari,bangladeshi beef tehari,tehari recipe in bangla,Radhuni tehari Masala,তেহারী রেসিপি,তেহারী Tehari is an authentic Bangladeshi rice dish mostly cooked with beef. Readymix tehati is very easy to cook. within very short time you can cook the delicious tehari with readymix tehari masala. Among all different types of teharies recipes , old dhaka style/puran dhakaiya beef tehari is very popular. The preparation and cooking process of this tehari is easy, so if you have guests over with a short notice or for any occasion you can make this very delicious beef tehari with a very minimum preparation and time. Radhuni tehari masala is a unique combination of different exotic spices, which facilitate everyone to cook delicious tehari at their home in an easy way.