ఆస్తమా నుంచి క్యాన్సర్ వరకు ఎన్నో రకాల అనారోగ్యాలను నయం చేసే హెల్తీ కేక్ /Christamas & NewYear Spl👌😋

ఆస్తమా నుంచి క్యాన్సర్ వరకు ఎన్నో రకాల అనారోగ్యాలను నయం చేసే హెల్తీ కేక్ /Christamas & NewYear Spl👌😋

#cakerecipeintelugu #cake #oatsrecipe Take oats, cocoa and bananas and make this amazing dessert! Gluten free, NO sugar | Banana and oats healthy cake recipe | Weightloss recipes | No Oven and No Maida Cake recipe | Cake with out oven | Cake with out Maida and sugar Hi friends here is my new video...hope you liked my videos...please subscribe my channel and support me 🙏🙏🙏 Follow ME On Instagram   / lathaskitchenandvlogs   Mee Shop Shoot cheyali ante mail cheyandi and any promotinal videos and advertisement please contact [email protected] Or message me on insta బీటర్ బటర్ లేకుండా ఇలా మిక్సీ పట్టి సాఫ్ట్ స్పాంజి కేక్ చేయండి😱👌Vanilla Sponge Cake Recipe In Telugu😋How To Make Sponge Cake At Home | Basic Yellow Sponge Cake Recipe | Vanilla Cake Without Oven | Sponge Cake Recipe Without Beater | Cake In Mixie | Cake Recipe In Mixer Grinder | ఈ మెథడ్ తో ఎవ్వరైనా కేక్ ని 100% స్పాంజిగా పర్ఫెక్ట్ గా చేసేస్తారు😋| Eggless Sponge Cake | Tea Time Snack | Cake Recipe In Telugu | Sponge Cake Without Oven | How to Make Sponge Cake | Eggless Sponge Cake Without Oven #healthycake #oatscake #bananacakerecipe #oatsrecipeintelugu #oatscakerecipe #bananarecipes #cakedecorating #cakeideas #cake #cakerecipe #basiccake #spongecake #cakewithoutbeater #cakewithoutbutter #vanillacake #vanillacakerecipe #bakerycake #spongecakeintelugu #spongecakewithoutoven #spongecakerecipe #vanillaspongecake #cakewithoutoven #easyspongecake #fluffycake #fluffyvanillacake #jigglycake #yellowcake #spongycake #ammachethivanta #christmas #newyear #christmascake #newyearcake #spoongycake #egglessspongecake #teatimesnacks #cakerecipe #withoutovencakerecipe #cakeintelugu cake without beater,cake without oven,cake recipes at home,cake recipe without oven,easy cake recipes at home,how to make sponge cake at home,vanilla cake recipe without oven,cake,cake recipe,cake recipe in telugu,cake recipe in tamil,basic cake recipe,easy cake recipe,easy cake making,sponge cake recipe,sponge cake,sponge cake recipe in telugu,vanilla cake,vanilla cake recipe,eggless cake,eggless cake recipe,vanilla sponge cake,date cake recipe | date walnut cake | eggless date and walnut loaf with detailed photo and video recipe. a traditional dark loaf cake typically made with plain flour mixed with dates and topped with walnuts. it is generally made during Christmas celebrations but can also be served as an evening snack. it is generally made with plain flour, but in this recipe, I have used wheat flour as a healthy alternative. date cake recipe | date walnut cake | eggless date and walnut loaf with step-by-step photo and video recipe. cake recipes are pretty common, especially during Christmas celebrations. the most common recipe made during that time is fruit plum cake made with grape juice and mixed berries. but the other common recipe is a date and walnut cake which shares the same texture and taste, yet is much simpler to bake.eggless cake without condensed milk,walnut dates cake recipe,walnut and dates cake recipe,how to make dates cake,how to make dates cake at home,how to make eggless cake at home,dates cake,dates cake recipe,carrot dates cake,banana dates cake,dates cake eggless,caramel dates cake,eggless dates cake recipe,dates cake recipe in tamil,eggless carrot dates cake recipe,eggless cake with condensed milk,no oven cake,eggless cake recipes