Breaking the Spirit of Delay | Apostle Joshua Selman #apostlejoshuaselman #koinoniaglobal

Breaking the Spirit of Delay | Apostle Joshua Selman #apostlejoshuaselman #koinoniaglobal

Join Apostle Joshua Selman in this powerful and anointed prayer session as he prays against the spirit of delay in every area of life. This dynamic prayer is a prophetic declaration of breakthrough, divine speed, and restoration for those experiencing stagnation or delays in their spiritual, financial, or personal lives. As you watch and connect with this prayer, receive the grace to overcome every obstacle holding you back and step into your God-ordained destiny. Be ready for testimonies of acceleration and divine alignment! Don’t miss this life-changing prayer moment! Like, share, and let it bless others. Remember to: 👍 Like the video if it resonates with you 📨 Share it with those in need of breakthrough 🔔 Subscribe for more powerful prayers and teachings #ApostleJoshuaSelman #BreakingTheSpiritOfDelay #PowerfulPrayer #AnointedPrayer #PropheticDeclaration #KoinoniaGlobal #OvercomeDelay #PrayerForBreakthrough #DivineAcceleration #RevivalPrayer