8 Signs someone is highly attracted to you

8 Signs someone is highly attracted to you

8 Signs someone is highly attracted to you Have you ever wondered if someone is attracted to you without you realizing it? It can be quite challenging to figure out, especially if the person isn't overt about their feelings. But don't worry, today we're delving into the topic and exploring some subtle signs of attraction. So let's get started! Attraction often manifests on a micro level, so it's important to determine if the person might simply be a highly effective communicator with a high social IQ, skilled at making others feel seen and heard through attentiveness. Conversely, individuals who are attracted to you may send mixed signals, particularly if they are anxious around you. Therefore, it's crucial to rely on your intuition to decipher the clues. Please note that this video focuses on educational content and personal opinions. It is not a substitute for professional advice but rather provides general guidance. Always trust your intuition and do what is right for you. Let's begin with mirroring behavior. According to clinical psychologist Holly Schiff, mirroring occurs when someone subconsciously tries to bond with you by mimicking your behavior. If you notice that someone is making similar facial expressions, adopting a similar posture, or matching your energy levels, it may indicate that they find you attractive and are expressing their interest through non-verbal cues. Next, let's explore physical flirtation. People whose love language includes physical touch may engage in physical flirtation to express their interest in you. This can include lingering hugs, pats on the arm or shoulder, accidental grazes of the hand, or touching the mid to lower part of your back. Pay attention to whether they display similar physical touch behaviors with everyone or if they reserve these actions specifically for you. Another interesting sign to look out for is belly button alignment. Margaret Stone, a licensed therapist and dating coach, states that aligning one's belly button with another person is a sign of attraction, trust, and security. Couples who face each other, even in large groups, do so to feel socially safe on a subconscious level. Similarly, when someone is attracted to you, their body language will reveal their desire to become physically or emotionally closer to you by directly pointing towards you during #HighlyAttracted #Attraction #DoTheyLikeMe #DoesHeLikeMe #DoesSheLikeMe #IsHeAttractedToMe #IsSheAttractedToMe #Dating #Relationships #DatingAdvice #Psychology #SignsSomeoneLikesYou #HowToLookMoreAttractive #Attractive #PsychologyOfAttraction #SignsOfAttraction #LoveAdvice #RelationshipAdvice #BodyLanguageAttraction #HowToAttractWomen #DatingAdviceForWomen #SignsSomeoneIsAttractedToYou #SignsSheLikesYou #SignsThatSomeoneIsAttractedToYou #SignsSheIsAttractedToYou #SignsAWomanIsSexuallyAttractedToYou #SignsSomeoneIsSecretlyAttractedToYou #SignsSomeoneIsAttractedToYouBodyLanguage #SignsAWomanIsAttractedToYou #SignsAGirlLikesYou #8SignsSomeoneIsHighlyAttractedToYou