Make your Brain a Super Brain!

Make your Brain a Super Brain!

Pranayama Video is linked. 11 Days Challenge: Pranayama 🌬️ We challenge you to practice Alternate nostril breathing with us for 11 consecutive days. πŸ‘ƒ Alternate nostril breathing, also known as Anulom Vilom, is a powerful tool to regulate energy flow within our body. πŸƒ This practice can transform your regular brain into a super brain. 🧠  How? 🧐 By balancing both sides of the brain. πŸ’‘ A Super Brain is a phenomenon that happens when its right and left sides remain balanced for a long period. πŸ™Œ It is when Logic and Intuition work optimally. βœ… ✨ When the right and left hemispheres of the brain are balanced, you are a winner in all spheres of life - Be it on an intrapersonal or interpersonal level. πŸ† Practice for 11 days: πŸ’¨ Aulom Vilom Pranayama ⏰ 10 minutes, daily during the day 🍽️ On an empty stomach Will you take this challenge with us? πŸ˜ƒ Type 'Yes' in the comments below. ⬇️