Pillar Chase 2 ~ Bloxxer Mimic Chase Theme (Fanmade)
i don't feel proud of this one it feels too intense but i just wanted to finish it Video made with FL Studio ZGameEditor Visualizer plugin Effect author credits: Vinyl - s23b /www.shadertoy.com/user/s23b Fire - NoxWings /www.shadertoy.com/view/MdKfDh Color-Black Pallete, Black Bars - Sugar Moon /twitter.com/sugarcoatedOwO ImageBox - Jph Wacheski /jph_wacheski.itch.io/ #pillarchase2 #pillarchase #pc2 #baldi #baldisbasics #mx #horrorbrew #vita #vitacarnis #mimic vita, bloxxer, mimic, pillar chase 2, pc2, carnis, fnf, vita carnis, fanmade, theme, pillar, chase, ancient, skin, skins, custom, horror, theme, song, vita mimic