The Walking Dead Episode 4: Around Every Corner - Full Gameplay Part 1
This is the Gameplay/Playthrough/Walkthrough of the PC version of "The Walking Dead: Episode 4 - Around Every Corner" (2012) by IshanSardar ====================================================== Episode 3 - • The Walking Dead: Episode 3 - Complet... ====================================================== Checkout my channel for more gameplay, walkthrough and playthrough: / ishansardar My Facebook : / gaming.devil My Twitter: / ishan_sardar ====================================================== Thank You All for watching. If you like the video please don't forget to Like, Comment, Favourite and Subscribe!! ====================================================== Storyline (Contain Spoilers): The group has made it to Savannah, and is walking through the streets toward the river. Lee is now keeping Clementine's walkie talkie away from her, and Omid's leg is troubling him. As they are walking, a bell in a church starts to ring loudly. Kenny argues that it's just a timed bell, but then the group sees a person on the roof of the church, indicating that they were the one who started it. The man who has been talking to Clementine on her walkie talkie contacts the group and tells them to get out of the street just before walkers start to close in on them from all sides. During the attack, Ben fails to help Clementine, and Chuck is separated from the rest of the group after coming to her aid. Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Ben, Christa and Omid make their way to the backyard of an empty house with a good fortification. Lee digs up the owner's dog's remains to obtain its collar so that they can open the dog door which is controlled by a chip in said collar. Clementine - without permission - crawls through the dog entrance and unlocks the back door so the group can get in. They stay in the house a while to rest, and then Lee and Kenny set out to find a boat. Lee and Kenny argue about the boat before they realize that it's unsalvageable. Soon after, they are met by a woman named Molly, who is the one who rang the church bell and nearly killed them. Kenny's gunshot alerted a sudden zombie attack and forced to split them up, and Lee escapes into the sewers. While searching for a way out, Lee sees Chuck's remains being eaten by walkers, and he finds a secret passage leading to a group of elderly people. He is greeted by Vernon, the doctor in charge of the group. Meanwhile, at the house, Clementine finds a boat in the shed. Kenny tells the group that the boat needs a battery and some gasoline to get it running. The group goes looking for medicine, gasoline and a battery for the boat in the town of Crawford. The group finds themselves in an old school, where they can search for the supplies they need. They eventually get the supplies and meet up in a classroom. Ben then tells Kenny about how he was the one giving supplies to the bandits, which ended up attracting walkers to the motor inn, thus leading to Duck being bitten, and Katja's death. Kenny is angry that Ben essentially caused the deaths of his wife and son.The long argument caused one of Vernon's survivor,Brie being eaten by the Walkers. Before escaping the school, Lee must decide either to save Ben from falling to his death, or to let him fall to death. After making it back to the house,Molly approached Lee to say goodbye to him.Later, Lee is approached by Vernon, who says he will take Clementine off Lee's hands and take her to his own group, where other survivors manage well. Lee takes the night to think the offer over, but awakes in the morning to discover that Clementine is missing. Lee finds her walkie talkie, but when he goes to pick it up, he's attacked by a walker, and ends up being bitten. The group, knowing of Lee's bite, feels responsible for Clementine, and they offer to help Lee find her before his time runs out and he becomes one of the walking dead. The final moments of Episode 4: Around Every Corner end with Lee going to search for Clementine at Vernon and his group's location. However, no one is to be found. Suddenly, the walkie talkie turns on, and the man on the other end says "If I were you, I'd choose my next words VERY carefully". ======================================================