when to confirm pregnancy correctly in tamil|when to check pregnancy test in tamil
welcome, know when to take PREGNANCY TEST IN TAMIL |karpam ethanai nalil theriyum PREGNANCY CARD TEST IN TAMIL எத்தனை நாளில் கர்ப்பத்தை உறுதி செய்யலாம் கர்ப்பம் எத்தனை நாளில் உறுதி செய்யலாம் pregnancy test pregnancy test at home in tamil when to take pregnancy test after missed period implantations bleeding pregnancy test in tamil when to take pregnancy test in tamil #pregnancytestintamil #whentotakepregnancytestintamil pregnancy kit test in tamil ,card test for pregnancy in tamil when to confirm pregnant test at home in tamil i am explaining epo pregnancy test #pregnancytestepoedukanum #karpamtestdays pregnancy test in tamil pregnancy test at home in tamil pregnancy test in tamil at home pregnancy test in tamil video pregnancy card test in tamil pregnancy test kit in tamil when to take pregnancy test in tamil epo pregnancy test pregnancy test epo edukanum pregnancy test in tamil pregnancy test at home in tamil pregnancy test in tamil at home pregnancy test in tamil video pregnancy card test in tamil pregnancy test kit in tamil when to take pregnancy test in tamil early pregnancy symptoms in tamil • pregnancy symptoms in tamil|karbam th... pregnancy bleeding vs period spotting in tamil • implantation bleeding vs periods in ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- contact [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***WHY THIS CHANNEL**** in this internet era, there are so many unrealistic and unproved medical topics are discussing by unauthorized people, because of that common people are getting confusion to believe it or not. in this channel i will share about conception.pregnancy,breastfeeding medical knowledge this channel is to connect between me and people who wants to kniw real medical knowldege and facts about health இந்த இணைய சகாப்தத்தில், அங்கீகரிக்கப்படாத மக்களால் நம்பத்தகாத மற்றும் நிரூபிக்கப்படாத பல மருத்துவ தலைப்புகள் விவாதிக்கப்படுகின்றன, ஏனெனில் அந்த பொது மக்கள் அதை நம்புவதில் குழப்பம் அடைகிறார்கள இந்த வலைப்பதிவில் நான் கருத்தரித்தல், கர்ப்பம், தாய்ப்பால் பற்றி பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிறேன் எனக்கும் உண்மையான மருத்துவ அறிவையும் ஆரோக்கியத்தைப் பற்றிய உண்மைகளையும் அறிய விரும்பும் மக்களுக்கும் இடையே இணைக்க இந்த வலைப்பதிவு. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- medical disclaimer The information provided in the video is intended to provide free education about certain medical conditions and certain possible treatment ,it is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis, treatment and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. if you believe you, your child or someone you know suffers from the condition described herein, please see your health care provider immediately.do not attempt to treat yourself, your child or anyone else without proper medical supervision .our video our channel does not promote taking pharmaceutical goods without prescription from any source you acknowledge and agree that our YouTube channel is not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result of the availability of that information provided here, or a result of the availability of that information provided here, or as a result of any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any information provided by our YouTube channel Doctorpregnancytamil